Letter from the Founders

Dear Friends,

Seeing changed lives is exciting. Being a part of the process is even more rewarding. What I enjoy most is hearing the many stories of those who’ve been helped, helping others.

One of such testimonies you’ll see inside is about Rev. Daniel Dogo Awayi, a persecuted pastor in Northern Nigeria. In 2019 Daniel was deeply steeped in depression and suicidality and admitted to a mental health institution for two and a half months. But after receiving help through an ABCs’ Biblical Counseling seminar in 2020, his mental health improved and he’s now stationed at our office in Jos, Nigeria—helping others who have experienced similar trials (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

We follow the Biblical command to “equip” saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12). We do this by using our Biblical Soul Care training seminars to multiply disciple makers. The word translated “equip” is the Greek word “katartizo” which has a double meaning: “to repair and to prepare”. At ABCs, we equip, repair, and prepare—or E.R.P.

 We are EQUIPPING the Church through our yearly Biblical Soul Care seminars and 3-level ongoing online training. Our 2020 virtual seminar on “Depression” had 250 people registered from over 15 countries and 18 states in the United States.

We equip by REPAIRING broken and hurting Christians during this time of increased mental and relational problems. Our trainees sometimes find help for their personal struggles as they apply God’s Word to their lives.

 We equip by PREPARING repaired people with clinicallyinformed Biblical tools to help others in their church and surrounding communities.

I am grateful for your willingness to seize this great opportunity to “E.R.P.” and multiply those who relieve Christians from their mental and relational health problems around the world. Through its training over the last two years, Ambassador Biblical Counseling & Care Services has helped over 2,000 pastors and leaders.


Arllen & Winnie Ade

Arllen is originally from Cameroon and has been married to Winnie for 18 years, and are blessed with three children. Arllen holds a Ph.D. in Professional Counseling and a Master’s in Pastoral Counseling from Liberty University. He has counseled and trained as a professional and Biblical counselor for 15 years. He has also taught graduate and undergraduate courses for Washington University of Virginia and Liberty University for 7 years.


Due to constant death threats by Boko Haram and other mental and marital problems, Rev. Daniel Dogo had become suicidal. However, through ABCs’ intervention this evangelical pastor, who was hopelessly hospitalized in a Northern Nigerian mental institution, received spiritual encouragement—which helped him overcome his suicidal struggles. Through Biblical Soul Care, his hope was renewed and joy was restored.