A Follow-up to the Training Program:

Regarding the promised continued education in Biblical Counseling at the training, we encouraged them to enroll in our next Levels 1 and 2 online course which started on February 10th. To ensure that they don’t fall off the course due to anticipated internet connectivity issues and language barriers, each of them was assigned a mentor or peer-support from our 15 Jos-based graduates who completed Level 3 in August 2022.

Eleven graduates who were selected from Jos have been assigned to 55 trainees. The Jos graduates are serving as mentors who help the trainees in their personal mental wellbeing. They are also assisting them with the challenging issues they face with providing ongoing trauma care for the widows assigned to them. The people they are serving would also be their ongoing practicum opportunity throughout their participation in Levels 1 and 2 courses online. This course has been going on since February 10 and will be completed by July ending.

This July, we have graduated 50 students out of the 70 who initially registered. Although 20 students could not complete the course requirements at the time of graduation, 10 are showing promise of finishing soon. Once they are done, the total number of graduates will be 60. 30 of the graduates lead discipleship counseling groups comprising an average of 5 widows.

By God’s grace, and with the blessing of the local Churches’ leadership, we plan to revisit Jos for a follow-up conference from January 28 to February 9. The purpose of the conference (apart from the continual feeding and caring for widows) will be to equip the churches with a unique counseling ministry model. This will help the churches know how to utilize the training of our graduates.